Chapter 1. Introduction

Table of Contents

Jcorporate's JGroup Services
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Thank you for considering Expresso for your architectural framework for your applications.


Welcome to the Expresso Developer's Guide! This manual provides the Java developer with the information needed to take full advantage of the Expresso Web Application Development Framework and Component Library.

It gives you in a (fairly) concise form the net results of many thousands of hours of programmer time spent working with Expresso and developing best practices for it's use and implementation.

This guide is the result of many contributions, ideas, input and work by the Expresso developer's community, and we welcome any input, suggestions, and comments on it. Our goal is to continue to improve it as Expresso itself improves, so that it can continue to serve as a valuable tool for the professional developer.

The guide can be read in sequential order, as it starts by providing an overview of the tools and capabilities embodied by Expresso, then goes on to provide the details of those tools, and how to put them quickly to use in developing your own applications.

This guide is intended to supplement the the JavaDoc for Expresso. One of the best detailed references for Expresso is the JavaDoc, which you can download along with Expresso's source code. The source code itself, of course, is the ultimate authority on what's in Expresso, and should be referred to as required.

Furthermore, Expresso is based on Struts. So all of the Struts documentation applies, and should be considered a prerequisite. For example, features like "tiles" (a means for sophisticated #includes and template within JSP views) and "style" (a means for redirecting output to an arbitrary JSP) are useful but documented elsewhere in Struts and associated pages.

Jcorporate's JGroup Services

Need Help? Do you need knowledgeable Expresso developers to jumpstart your project or to write a software solution? JGroup, our commercial services, backs up the Expresso product with cost effective services for the corporate IT community including training, product support, development and consulting services. JGroup provides global services to companies around the globe.

The developers on Expresso are the people that know the product best. Our team is comprised of our most experienced developers on the Expresso development team. They are many of the major and core developers you see as authors throughout this documentation. Checkout the Contributors Section of the doc at the end of each chapter for the JGroup Experts who contributed to writing that documentation.They are the best qualified people in the world to provide services on Expresso because they are the developers of Expresso. How many companies let you have their developers? So it's a very different kind of service, a very high end quality service. For more information or to request a quote, please contact or one of the JGroup Experts directly.

We need your Support

We need the help of our readers. Your donations help to sustain the vitality and quality of our documentation.

We ask for a thoughtful donation for the value you receive through using the documentation. Many of our developers earn a living from this work and their services. So in a direct sense the more you donate the better the documentation will continue to evolve. For donations over $35 we'll send confirmation of the payment with a receipt for your financial records.


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