

(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) This standard character encoding scheme is used extensively in data transmission.


(American National Standards Institute) This group is the U.S. member organization that belongs to the ISO, the International Organization for Standardization.


(Binary Large Object) A term for a binary file stored as part of a database record.


(Character Large Object) A term for a large file of characters stored as part of a database record.


(Document Type Definition) A DTD is the formal definition of the elements, structures, and rules for marking up a given type of SGML document. You can store a DTD at the beginning of a document or externally in a separate file.


(HyperText Markup Language) This is the format of files published on the . HTML is an application of SGML; to author in HTML using SGML-based authoring software, you simply need the HTML DTD.


(HyperText Transfer Protocol)The method by which our computers talk to one another when communicating over the world wide web. There are many protocols available, but this is preferred for retrieving web pages and interacting with servlet engines.


An Expresso Job is a task that is performed asynchronously. Instead of the web browser seeing the results, the results are emailed to the person that queued the job.


Acronym for Model-View-Controller. MVC was first widely defined in the book "Design Patterns" by Erich Gamma et al. It defines a separation of concerns in a program where the model defines the internal data structures of the program, the view defines how the model is rendered to the user, and the controller performs the actual actions in the program that affect the model.


A Java(tm) language program set up to interact along with a specially designed webserver to provide an interactive web page.


(Secure Sockets Layer) An encryption mechanism that works alongside HTTP to provide an HTTP-like capability but with the data being sent back and forth protected from electronic eavesdropping.