Cards Chinazzi

Edited by Oriana Cartaregia (1985)

The dossier referred as "Cards Chinazzi" collects various autographs, notes, printed works, official certificates and letters belonging and relating to Carlo Giuseppe Chinazzi, writer, philosopher and lecturer.

Born in Oviglio (AL) on May 9, 1839 son of Carlo Francesco, pharmacist, and Teresa Guasco, C. G. Chinazzi spent most of his life in Genova, where he carried out his activities of thinker and lecturer especially at the Società di Letture Scientifiche and where in 1879 he was appointed professor of philosophy at the Liceo Andrea Doria.

He graduated in Torino in 1868, on several occasions in life did the military career, as it was convinced of the Italian unification. The passion for politics, however, contrasted with his strong passion for the religion and the Catholic Church of Rome, creating that laceration between his civil and religious commitment that was characteristic of his life, giving space to his great versatility, but also causing frequent discussions with colleagues and intellectuals of his time.

In 1875, at the Pedagogical congress of Bologna, he sustained a famous contradictory with Enrico Panzacchi that was published in the same year in Voghera [See: Cards Chinazzi No 5].

In 1878 he got in contact with the Genoese Catholic newspaper "Il Cittadino" who collected numerous educational continuers of the pedagogical tradition started by Lorenzo Garaventa. The vehemence in Chinazzi attitude was probably the cause of his early removal from the newspaper. In 1881 he joined an open controversy with other Genoese key educators about the opportunity to establish a masterly male school [See: Cards Chinazzi No 7]. In September of that same year he was asked by the administrator G. Daneo to prepare the National Pedagogical Congress to whose presidency was elected Pietro Sicilian [See: Cards Chinazzi No 16]. Even in that occasion its taugh intervention aroused many reactions. A similar buzz was also caused by some of his articles, written on "Il Secolo XIX" under the pseudonym Biblios , on the occasion of the Colombian celebrations of the 1892 [See: Cards Chinazzi No 9].

After a troubled life, but also marked by considerable recognition for the vast literary and philosophical-critical work, he died in November 30, 1897.

His documents, probably left to the Biblioteca Universitaria di Genova by the family of Genoa, are the precious witness of this human and scientific path and certainly served as a source for the biography that his son Francesco wrote about him [ F. Chinazzi , Vita e pensiero di Giuseppe Chinazzi poeta, soldato, educatore, filosofo del Risorgimento italiano (1839-1897) , Genova, 1940. At the end of the volume, the bibliography of C. G. Chinazzi].


1. Lettere di risposta all'invio di pubblicazioni da parte dei segretari particolari di numerosi nobili e personaggi di rilievo (n. 6 unità )

2. a) Appunti, versi e discorsi autografi;

b) C. G. Chinazzi, Roma. Canto lirico , Genova , 1895

3. Appunti autografi di vari argomenti

4. C. G. Chinazzi, Tema di laurea estratto a sorte e discusso da ... per essere dichiarato Dottore in Filosofia ... (39 pp.)

5. C. G. Chinazzi, Religione e scuola. Pensieri .. . , Vighera, 1875

6. Biblietti, lettere e attestati (33 cc.)

7. Missive (44 unità)

8. a) lettere di L. Marenco a C. G. Chinazzi (30 unità);

b) lettere di C. G. Chinazzi alla moglie (5 unità )

9. Appunti, lettere e testi di conferenze riguardanti gli studi colombiani del 1892

10. Lettere e appunti (30 unità)

11. Recensioni e articoli (7 unità)

12. Documenti riguardanti la carriera di educatore [1880-1886] (8 unità)

13. Documenti, originali e in copia, riguardanti concorsi e qualifiche [1883-1891] (14 unità )

14. Documenti vari [1873-1892] (7 unità)

15. Titoli di vario genere (4 unità)

16. Conferenze pedagogiche <Genova, 11-12 settembre 1882>, Atti delle Conferenze pedagogiche tenute in Genova ... sotto la Presidenza di Pietro Siciliani. Pubblicati per cura dei segretari Dott. Giuseppe Chinazzi e Prof. Filippo Solari, Genova, 1883 . Con dedica autografa a Paolo Boselli sulla copertina